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Have a nice day!
Saturday 22nd May 2004
Theme: Myths and Legends

Milestone School is a 'Special' School. It is Special in many ways. It caters for 67 pupils aged 2 - 19 years of age. The pupils all have severe learning difficulties or profound and multiple learning difficulties. They are 'Special' children who have to cope with a variety of problems. Many have sensory impairments and many have to use aids to assist their movement and communication.

The parents and staff who help these children are also 'Special' displaying a wide range of skills and aptitudes in helping our children to become more independent and learn to cope with or overcome many of their difficulties.

People like you are also 'Special' in giving up your time and money in supporting our children. We do receive grants from the Government, but it is the money raised through charitable events such as these that allow us to buy the extra items we feel our pupil's need and not just those on the political agenda.

In the past money raised by outside agencies have provided us with a multi sensory room equipped with interactive sound and light features. We have a hydrotherapy pool where pupils can receive physiotherapy in a warm and relaxing environment, which is similarly equipped with light and sound stimuli. We have also made a large investment in the MOVE programme designed to encourage pupils to become more independent in their movement. An adventure playground has been constructed on the grassed area at the front and a Sensory Garden within the school confines.

We wish to develop our outdoor resources further and money raised will go towards this.

Thank you again for your support and please visit our school whenever you like and see how your money is being used to improve the life of our 'Special' children.

Immediate Fund Raising Projects